Computer Hardware & Network Technician


Professional Computer Hardware & Network Technician program is a competency-based course related to computer hardware, networking, server and security functions. It’s a practice-based program and trainees will learn about, Basic Electrical and Electronic Tools and Equipment, PC Hardware Assemble and disassemble, Computer Networking, Windows Server, Operating System Installation and Configuration, Linux Operating System Installation and Configuration, Network and Server Security Configuration, Symbolic Diagram etc. Accordingly prepare professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform those tasks.   
Trainees will be trained at computer labs, actual working sites in the computer assembling and maintenance industry, and at the sites of internet and network service providing companies.
Upon completion of the program, trainees will have ample opportunities of self-employment or wage-based jobs in the sector of Computer assembling and maintenance Industries, Internet and network service providers, Government Jobs, Data centres, NGO/INGO, Financial institutions, Educational institutions and the consultancies related to information technology. 

Course Objectives

  • After the completion of the training, trainees will be able to: 
  • Understand the concept and technology of computer hardware and network.
  • Identify the various internal and external components of a computer.
  • Identify and use various types of tools, machines and materials used in computer hardware and network work. 
  • Identify and use basic Electrical and Electronic Tools and Equipment.
  • Build a Symbolic Diagram.
  • Assemble and Disassemble hardware of Computer.
  • Perform Computer Networking.
  • Install and Configure Windows Server Operating System 
  • Install and Configure Linux Operating System
  • Configure Network and Server Security

Course Duration

The total duration of the course extends over 1 Year (Total 1696 hours), where 

164 hours will be allocated for theory classes,

956 hours for lab practice, and 

576 hours for On the Job Training at working sites

Who should enroll

The target group for this training program are all interested individuals with educational prerequisites of minimum SEE/SLC and above (educated-unskilled/educated-semi skilled).

People who are planning to study abroad and want to do side jobs, 

Interested entrepreneurs who want to establish consultancies related to information technology and maintenance support, 

And those energetic people who want to pursue their career as a tech guy, being involved in a broader area of Information Technology which covers every industry be it Computer assembling and maintenance, Internet and network service provider NGO/INGO,  Government or private, Educational or Financial.